序号 | 论文题目 | 期刊名 | 年、期 | 第一作者 |
1 | Design and relibility analysis of intelligent transportation control system based on image processing | Gummi Fasern Kunststoffe | 2016.14 | 程全 |
2 | 特征显著性的车辆目标检测算法 | 河南科技大学学报 (自然科学版) | 2017.1 | 程全 |
3 | Research on Power Load Forecasting Based on Support Vector Machine | Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association | 2016.3 | 刘琪 |
4 | Research on Power Load Forecasting Models Based on Simulated Annealing Support | Vector Machine (SA-SVM) Algorithm Mathematical Metallurgical and Mining Industry | 2015.9 | 刘琪 |
5 | 圆形直流线圈周围磁力线的测量电路设计 | 565net必赢最新版学报 | 2018.2 | 戴成梅 |
6 | 新型电网谐波抑制装置的研究 | 现代建筑电气 | 2017.12 | 戴成梅 |
7 | 基于LabVIEW网络虚拟实验平台设计与实现 | 565net必赢最新版学报 | 2017.5 | 戴成梅 |
8 | 低压电器在消除桥式逆变电路死区效应中的应用研究 | 电器与能效管理技术 | 2015.5 | 戴成梅 |
9 | 基于相量分析法变压器外特性研究 | 565net必赢最新版学报 | 2015.2 | 戴成梅 |
10 | A Design of Human Machine Interaction System of Electric Vehicle AC Charging Pile | AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH | 2017.1 | 周子昂 |
11 | A Novel Multifunction Digital Chip Design Based on CMOS Technology | TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) | 2016.2 | 周子昂 |
12 | Design of Agricultural Internet of Things Monitoring System Based on ZigBee | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS | 2016 | 周子昂 |
13 | 非确知目标先验知识条件下MIMO 雷达稳健波形设计 | 现代电子技术 | 2017.17 | 周子昂 |
14 | 基于STC89C54RD的RFID读卡器的设计与应用 | 信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版) | 2016.3 | 周子昂 |
15 | 人工蜂群优化神经网络的无线传感器节点定位算法 | 南京理工大学学报 | 2017.4 | 周子昂 |
16 | 一种便携式井下多参数监控系统的设计及实现 | 河南理工大学学报( 自然科学版) | 2017.2 | 周子昂 |
17 | Effect of Heat Treatment on the Properties of CoCrMo Alloy Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | 2018.3 | 张国庆 |
18 | Simulation Analysis and Performance Study of CoCrMo Porous Structure Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting | Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance | 2018.3 | 张国庆 |
19 | Study on Biocompatibility of CoCrMo Alloy Parts Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting | Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering | 2018.1 | 张国庆 |
20 | Study on the Quality and Performance of CoCrMo Alloy Parts Manufactured by Selective Laser Melting | Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering | 2017.6 | 张国庆 |
21 | 激光选区熔化成型 CoCrMo 多孔结构的设计与性能研究 | 中国激光 | 2015.11 | 张国庆 |
22 | 激光选区熔化成型 CoCrMo 合金摩擦学性能研究 | 中国激光 | 2016.8 | 张国庆 |
23 | 热处理对激光选区熔化成型 CoCrMo 合金性能影响研究 | 红外与激光工程 | 2018.1 | 张国庆 |
24 | 基于交替投影的MIMO雷达波形设计 | 现代电子技术 | 2017.13 | 贺娅莉 |
25 | 基于STM32F103的风力摆控制系统设计 | 智能计算机与应用 | 2017.13 | 贺娅莉 |
26 | Research and Design on Microgrid Control Strategy of Distributed Generation Journal of Simulation 2015.1 | Journal of Simulation | 2015.1 | 陈曦 |
27 | 注塑机机械手伺服控制系统设计 | 自动化应用 | 2015.9 | 陈曦 |
28 | 地方高师院校一体化实践教学质量保障体系研究 | 565net必赢最新版学报 | 2015.1 | 陈曦 |
29 | 孤岛、并网双模式光伏发电系统设计 | 智能计算机与应用 | 2015.5 | 陈曦 |
30 | 手机控制智能家居系统的开发与设计 | 科技风 | 2015.6 | 陈曦 |
31 | 车用红外防撞系统设计 | 科技风 | 2015.17 | 陈曦 |
32 | 浅议我国农村留守儿童关爱服务体系存在的问题与对策 | 课程教育研究 | 2016.1 | 梁英波 |
33 | 智能电网大数据处理技术应用现状及困境探讨 | 电力设备 | 2016.5 | 王明霞 |
34 | 电力日负荷预测中FAPSO与SVM融合算法的应用 | 电子技术与软件工程 | 2016.3 | 王明霞 |
35 | Numerical simulation of heat transfer and fluid flow in laser drilling of metals | Proc. of SPIE | 2015.6 | 张廷忠 |
36 | Modeling of dynamic process in the laser-off period during laser drilling | Chinese Optics Letters | 2015.8 | 张廷忠 |
37 | Analysis of melt ejection during long pulsed laser drilling | Chinese Physics B | 2016.5 | 张廷忠 |
38 | Ti6Al4V合金毫秒激光打孔重铸层的形成机制 | 光学学报 | 2018.2 | 张廷忠 |
39 | Polarization Splitter Based on Dual Core Liquid Crystal-Filled Holey Fiber | Journal of applied physics | 2016.11 | 王二垒 |
40 | Low-loss Coupling between Photonic Crystal Fibers and Single-mode Fibers | Optik | 2016.11 | 王二垒 |
41 | Tunable Wavelength Division Multiplexer Based on Thermal Liquid-filled Photonic Crystal Fiber | Optik | 2018.6 | 王二垒 |
42 | Research on Quick Response Code Defect Detction Algorithm | Cybernetics and Information Technologies | 2017.1 | 郭艳花 |
43 | Design and implement of mobile air quality detection device based on arduino | Computational and engineering | 2017.1 | 郭艳花 |
44 | Design of Intelligent Curtain Controller Based on Single Chip Microcomputer | International Journal of Computional and Engineering | 2016.12 | 郭艳花 |
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